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Fishing Sonar

WESMAR fishing sonar solves the tough challenge of seeing fish close to the surface and close to the bottom.

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TCS785 Trawl Sonar

Forward Looker / Net Profiler / Downsounder

WESMAR TCS785 Trawl Sonar

The TCS785 is three sonars in one: forward scan, net profile, and downsounder.

The SMART sleds are available in two profiler frequencies, 180 kHz and 300 kHz. The lower the frequency, the longer the range.

The TCS785-300 kHz orange sled has a higher frequency profiler with high-resolution designed for smaller nets. At 300 kHz, the footrope/bottom relation can be viewed in greater detail.

The TCS785-180 kHz green sled with a 180 kHz profiler is designed for larger nets with large vertical and horizontal openings.

More Information Means Increased Efficiency

The captain receives a wealth of information from WESMAR's trawl sonars. This information enables them to increase catching efficiency through shorter tows and reduced fuel consumption. Gear damage is also reduced by avoiding rough bottom and overfilling of the net.

The TCS785 trawl sonar is a "third wire" system that combines forward looking and profiling in one headrope unit. Its split screen feature allows measurement of the net opening, profile of fishing circle, door spread, and other gear geometry. The pressure sensor continuously monitors depth of headrope making it possible to align the net and fish as they pass under the vessel.

Built rugged, yet lightweight, the TCS785 sled, when submerged, adds only 10 kg (21 lbs.) to the headrope.


  • Depth sounder shows vertical net opening, footrope, and bottom
  • Data output connects to compatible video sounders to view depth line/net position across the screen
  • Emits audible signal for triggered catch sensors and starts the timer visible on the monitor
  • Easily obtain net opening dimensions using your cursors
  • Forward Scan: Lets you view the doors forward of the net as well as schools of fish entering the net
  • Net Profile: View 360 degrees or smaller sectors. Keep watch as the footrope tends the bottom or net. Monitor fish as they enter, go over, or under the net. Watch the net change shape with adjustments and cross currents effects
  • Downsounder: A full screen downsounder helping ensure that no fish go undetected
  • Split Screen: Downsounder over net profile. Two transducers operate simultaneously for a double view. Downsounder monitors the footrope and bottom and marks fish in center. Profile transducer scans the net opening in high-resolution. Plus, you can make sure fish are not passing under the net by using the 'zoom-window' feature
  • Water Temperature and Depth: Sensors within the sled give you accurate information at the headrope
TCS785 Forward Looker / Net Profiler / Downsounder
Model Frequency
(Forward Looker)
(Net Profile)
TCS785-180 110KHz 180KHz 110KHz
TCS785-300 110KHz 300KHz 110KHz
WESMAR helps us catch fish."
— Kurt Cochran,
Captain of the 91-foot Trawler
F/V Marathon
out of Newport, Oregon
"The WESMAR Trawl makes a huge difference. We use it at 230 fathoms and the picture is much clearer than our previous trawl sonar, which operated at just 175 fathoms."— David Jincks,
Owner of the 85-foot F/V Blue Fox

TCS385 Trawl Sonar

Download our TCS385 Trawl Sonar product sheet   Download PDF

Net Profiler / Downsounder

WESMAR TCS385 Trawl Sonar

Versatility means increased catch

Profile the net opening with the compact lightweight WESMAR trawl sleds. The TCS385 has the same features as the TCS785 with the exception of forward scanning.

TCS385-500: Extreme Detail

TCS385-500 is ideal for differentiating between species of rock fish and for finding cod and flat fish. Thanks to the extremely detailed discrimination near the bottom, the 500 allows captains to see more dispersed fish and low target strength fish coming into the net. Captains say they can even differentiate between fish species. (Profiler and Downsounder both operate at 500 kHz.)

TCS385-300: Versatility

The TCS385-300 trawl sled is ideal for watching larger trawl nets to ensure fish are not escaping. Popular for groundfish and mid-water trawl nets. (Net Profiler/Split Screen operates at 300 kHz; Downsounder 200 kHz.)

TCS385-180: Greater Distance

The TCS385-180 trawl sled has the power to paint the large nets and see the footrope and bottom in high-resolution. Designed for vessels pulling larger nets and the need to see at greater distance. The 180 kHz trawl is ideal when longer range is important. (Profiler/Split Screen operates at 180 kHz; Downsounder 110 kHz.)

The choice of profiler frequency gives you the ability to pick the one that will work best for your fishing application.

  • Pressure Sensor continuously monitors depth of headrope making it possible to align net and fish as they pass under the vessel
  • Depth Sounder shows highly detailed view of vertical net opening, footrope, and bottom
  • Data Output connects to compatible video sounders to view depth line/net position across the screen
  • Emits audible signal for triggered catch sensors and starts a timer clearly indicated on monitor
  • Easily obtain net opening dimensions using your cursor


  • Net Profile: View 360 degrees or smaller sectors. Keep watch as the footrope tends the bottom or net. Monitor fish as they enter, go over, or under the net. Watch the net change shape with adjustments and cross currents effects
  • Downsounder: A full screen downsounder helping ensure that no fish go undetected
  • Split Screen: Downsounder over net profile. Two transducers operate simultaneously for a double view. Downsounder monitors the footrope and bottom, and marks fish in center. Profile transducer scans the net opening in high-resolution. Plus, you can make sure fish are not passing under the net by using the 'zoom-window' feature
  • Water temperature and depth: Sensors within the sled give you accurate information at the headrope
  • Built rugged, yet lightweight: The TCS385 sled, when submerged, adds just 4.5 kg (10 lbs.) to the headrope
TCS385 Net Profiler / Downsounder
Model Frequency
(Net Profile)
TCS385-180 180KHz 110KHz
TCS385-300 300KHz 200KHz
TCS385-500 500KHz 500KHz

Trawl Sonar Stories
Aug 16, 2017
80,000 Pounds of Rock Fish Fill Net of Kodiak Trawler
Captain Kurt Waters of the F/V Mar del Norte, sent this screen photo showing 80,000 pounds of rock fish... read full story
Aug 29, 2017
"WESMAR helps us catch fish"
The 91-foot Fishing Trawler MARATHON uses WESMAR trawl systems for fishing Alaskan waters for cod, sole, rock fish and pollock... read full story

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